Wednesday 6 - 7 PM on 93.8 FM
Join the Buildaid Show every Wednesday on Mix 93.8 FM
We interview special guests, give you industry news, giveaways and great music!
Tunnels under Jo’burg
May 2, 2018Urbansoup is in studio with K and Dave Gurney talking about the tunnel system that is undergoing an exciting regeneration. Right under our feet.
- Ray Harli
- Yonah Oodendal
Construction Industry Challenges
April 25, 2018Aubrey Tshalata both the CEO of Palcard Group and the National President of the National African Federation for the Building Industry joined us to talk about the construction industry. Its challenges, transformation and the future.
- Aubrey Tshalata
City Art – North City House in Braamfontein
April 18, 2018Hannelie Coetzee, artist, photographer and documentarian joins us in studio to talk about her latest project, commonly referred to as North City House Project in Braamfontein. Joining her are Schalk Pelser and Gela Ohl from Tal who are part of the dynamic team that are helping her make it happen.
Saving water
April 11, 2018We speak to Gerrie Brink, of aquaffection, about saving water, how do you reduce your water consumption, how do you monitor your usage and how to manage it. We also have Dave Gurney, our resident Guru chatting about the extraordinary city of Jozi.
- Gerrie Brink
- David Gurney
Grey Water Systems
April 4, 2018John Telford, the CEO of Calcamite is chatting to us about grey water systems. How to recycle, installation requirements, storing and lots more..
- John Telford
SAIA Award for Sustainable Architecture and Innovation with AfriSam
March 28, 2018Tonight we spoke about sustainability in architecture and the prestigious AfriSam SAIA Award for Sustainable Architecture and Innovation. Joining us in studio were Dr. Sechabe Maape – Lecturer at the Wits School of Architecture and Planning and Niraksha Singh – Raw Materials and Sustainability Manager for AfriSam
- Dr. Sechabe Maape
- Niraksha Singh
Green Housing and Virtual Reality
February 14, 2018Brett Petzer of the Green Housing Company spoke to Graham about going off the grid, and Brent Alexander of Craft spoke about Virtual Reality and how innovative and necessary it is to use when designing a house or building.
- Brett Petzer
- Brent Alexander
Lighting up your space
February 7, 2018Raja Moudjil joins Graham to chat about Lighting
- Raja Moudgil
Day Zero? – Droughts in a City
January 31, 2018Stephen Narsoo and Graham Alexander discuss water supply and droughts in a city.
- Stephen Narsoo